New appointment at research institute

The Population Health Research Institute has welcomed Pierre Amarenco as a Senior Scientist to its Stroke and Brain Health research program.

He will be helping the Canadian-based institute to develop new research initiatives, including the OCEANIC program.

Previously, Pierre had also been an investigator on PHRI’s  AXIOMATIC-SSP and Navigate ESUS trials.

A Professor of Neurology at Paris University in Paris, France, he is the founder of the department of Neurology and Stroke Center as well as of SOS-TIA clinic at Bichat university hospital in Paris.

He will work on-site at PHRI’s Hamilton, Ontario offices for weeks at a time  – with intermittent periods back at his Paris base.

His academic work has been in stroke prevention. He has published more than 450 research papers, reviews and book chapters; with significant contributions to the descriptions of cerebellar infarction, aortic arch atherosclerosis as a cause of stroke, and genetic and metabolic risk factors for stroke.

He has contributed to the leadership of major trials including SPARCL, Treat Stroke to Target, ARCH, XANTUS, SOCRATES, THALES, SPIRE, PROMINENT, RIISC and THETIS trials involving antithrombotics and lipid lowering agents as well as acute intracranial revascularization (RECANALISE).

He has led which resulted in insights into the outcomes of patients presenting with TIA, and is involved in the validation of new targets in animal models of ischemic stroke.


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